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Hong Kong Protests: What Happened on July 1? | The Dispatch
After July 1 revolt, Taiwan president urges Hong Kong leaders to face public ‘with sinceri...
Security heightened in Hong Kong as more protests expected on July 1 handover anniversary
Security heightened in Hong Kong as more protests expected on July 1 handover anniversary
New footage shows stabbing of policeman during July 1 protests in Hong Kong
Pepper spray used by Hong Kong police at July 1 protest
Hong Kong police fire water cannon at July 1 protesters
Sea of protesters marches through downtown Hong Kong on July 1 handover anniversary
#HongKong July 1 Protest
Hong Kong's annual July 1 rally becomes anti-extradition protest
Hong Kong: July 1 march goes ahead despite controversy over protest route
Hong Kong protesters break into legislature, July 1 2019